Corona! Pandemic! Lockdowns! Staying at home 24/7 must be tiring, especially with your energetic little ones. However, instead of moping about not being able to go out for some fun, or getting some R&R away from the chaos, here's an activity that you can do with your kids! We swear, YOGA-na LOVE IT!
You might be wondering, "what benefits do my child get when doing yoga?" To name a few, yoga can boost your child’s self-esteem, manage their anxiety through breathing exercises, improve their concentration and memory. Let’s cut to the chase and learn the moves!
Here are some simple yoga poses you can do with your children at home!

We've included a link to a simple and fun, Family Friendly Yoga <---(click here)
just in case if you would like to have a professional instructor guide you through them virtually.
Here is a little pre-bonus for all those busy bookworms out there who would like to squeeze in just a little more reading time and laughs in their daily routine and workout cooldown sessions

After exercising, you must've worked up an appetite! And what better way to replenish your energy with nutrients from a refreshing BEACH DAY!
(Remember to have your guardian/parents do the chopping)
What you need:
- mandarin oranges
- bananas
- kiwi

Greetings from PB3 and Robin -his robot companion. They are interested to see your cool looking food art creations with your fruits and veggies too!
Share your works with us by tagging us @mebooksapp on Instagram!
What's that? You don't know who is PB3 the extraterrestrial alien from planet P3? Well then, you can check out our local human, Fred and his adventures with PB3 and Robot Robin in our brand new Me Books App!

That's all for today folks, we'll see you soon in the next blog.
Do look forward to it. Remember to stay safe, and stay healthy!
Don't forget to follow our social media for more updates!
~Until next time, keep on dreaming little star~