Hold Up, Me Books Fam! Before Tommy explains, do you know what earth day is?
Let’s take the opportunity to learn something today!
Earth Hour is a movement where people worldwide take action on environmental issues to protect our planet earth. It all started with the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) at an event in Sydney, Australia. This initiative was created as an annual event to encourage and raise awareness about the importance of forming solidarity for Mother Earth by turning off all essential electric lights for just an hour.
So, when is Earth Hour this year, you ask? Well, you’re just in time! Earth Hour will be held on the 27th March 2021 from 8.30 pm-9.30 pm!
Can it help the environment?
Yes, turning off all the lights will help save energy and reduce carbon emission and other harmful greenhouse gases. It is the simplest way to save the planet.
What can you do?
On earth hour day, we could switch off all lights in our houses for an hour, starting from 8.30 pm -9.30 pm, at your local time. But wait, there’s more you can do! Instead of just switching off everything for only that day, why not make a habit of always turning off all lights when not in use. This way, we can save energy to save the planet!
Celebrate Earth Hour and discover Earth's marvels together with your child!
Earth Hour Dates
March 27, 2021
March 26, 2022
March 25, 2023
8:30 p.m. local time
So, that is all from us, Me Books fam-bam! See you soon in our next blog!
Stay safe! Stay healthy!

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