“What time is it? Summer time, it’s summer vacation!” Well if Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez can make the most out of their loooonnngggg sunny holiday, so can your kids! But with children these days being so kinetic-like and full of energy (uh oh for focus), how could parents possibly turn fun and games into a meaningful commitment and skill that will leave the kids wanting more? How can we convince our little ones of the extraordinary importance of investing in the far far away future (hello outer space) rather than tiny temporal tasks?!
Well I’ve just got six fingers worth of peerrrrrfeccct ideas for you! Whether your kid fancies being in the comfort of your home, or breaking out of it, the options are infinite. Outer space and cultivating life skills doesn’t seem a galaxy away anymore, right mom and dad?
1. Unleash your inner architect by designing a bedroom wall

Genie in the lamp who? Who needs fairytales or magic when you can transform your own room all by yourself? Let your child take charge (finally!) by giving them the fantabulous opportunity to redesign their bedroom their way. As a kid, you are always so sick and tired of not being treated like an adult! Well here’s one effective and hands-on way to let them be one AND gain their trust! By doing so, not only are you instilling in them fundamental handy life skills (i.e. buying materials and learning how to use hardware tools), but you are also showing them the utmost importance of commitment and investing in the long run!
Killing two birds with one stone indeed. After all, nobody likes a half-finished room or a quitter! And with so much time to spare during the holidays, designing his/her own bedroom is definitely a win-win activity. For suresies, right kids?!
2. Train them to articulate themselves by becoming a storyteller

“Could you read me another bedtime story please?” Ah, the demand that the little ones looooove to throw in before bedtime. Sure, reading your child charming bedtime stories before tucking them in to sleep is the norm. But what if you could turn the tables for a change? Every kid must surely have an inner Roald Dahl, so what if you could mould your child’s crazy wild imagination into a storytelling skill instead? (It breeds A THREE-IN-ONE: literacy, confidence and family bonding. What a steal!)
Well here’s a little pre-packaged suggestion: the clever Me Books Plus app! Unlike regular storybooks, Me Books prioritises interaction and entertainment (aka edutainment) by targeting and correcting 3/5 main senses: 1) Handy ears, 2) Chatty mouth and 3) Vivid visuals. With unique functions such as in-built narration, native pronunciation and the freedom to record an ARRAYYYY of sounds, I think it is safe to say that Me Books Plus is a carefully curated and long-run solution that helps children become marvellous masters of speech and budding storytellers! And if you’re worried that boredom might strike, think again! With over 400 books being offered, you would probably be (unsurprisingly) preoccupied all the way till the next school break! Roald Dahl who?
Pro Tip: Uh Oh! Stuck with a brain block and not sure on how to inspire the inner storyteller in your child? Click here to download the fun and easy to learn storytelling guide.
3. Teach fundamental life skills like cooking or fixing a car!

Ever see your kids watch Junior Masterchef or play with their Hot Wheels? I’m sure you have! Well why not fuel their inquisitive young minds by teaching them how it works rather than merely pretend imagination? Hmm, turning a hobby into a lifeskill sounds like a good idea to me! While such skills like stirring something up or fixing a flat tire don’t just magically appear, the need to train them is what makes this the perfect holiday activity for your kiddos!
So the next time something like living abroad or a flat tire happens (even when they are much older), they will be sure to count their lucky stars and thank you for it! After all, Mom and Dad are always absolutely right, isn’t it?
4. Excite your kids with new types of enrichment classes like Drama and Languages

Forget the boring, old and dreadful tuition classes in the usual subjects such as Math and Science. Think Arts and Languages for a change. What if you could spice things up things a little by releasing the inner drama queen in your kids? Perhaps with some training and attention on them, this might end up being their time to shine bright like a diamond!
Or if you prefer something a teeny-weeny bit more pragmatic, how about sending them for language classes? With there being 6,500 languages in the world today, they can surely take their pick! Bilingual? Not really. How about being multilingual instead? It may not seem like much now, but trust me, these languages will come a looooooonggg way down the line. And after all, practice makes perfect, so that’s an activity to preoccupy your little ones during the holidays woohoo!
5. Become the next big thing by writing your own song
If your child loves to sing in the shower and is PHENOMENAL, well he/she could just become the next Adele or Ed Sheeran. So why not take small little baby steps to push him/her to sky-high heights? Don’t worry, there’s no need to go into showbiz just yet, but how about helping him/her out with writing a song? Kids may be reaaaalllllyyyyy shy at first, but that’s what the holidays are for! Take all the tick tock time you need to help them craft a song, and record it when it’s all done and perfecto. Now give both you and your child a pat on the back! Great job!
6. Embrace your inner self by experimenting with content creation
With technology being so interwoven into our lives these days, avoiding it seems seemingly impossible! Someone call 911!
Hmm but wait a minute! This might actually be a good thing! With the coolest and funnest apps these days such as Snapchat, Instagram and TikTok being video-based, perhaps it is time for your child to create a digital portfolio of his/her own via YouTube. It’s great if your child has the confidence to broadcast himself/herself online and express themselves, so why not capitalise on it?! If you’re looking for meaningful activities to spend the holidays on, here’s one way to gooooo right about it! Not only will your child learn cool digital video skills and how to experiment creatively, but this will also give you the fantabulous opportunity to bring them out to new locations for inspiration over the break! Incredible!
If you’re got some fantastic examples on how MeBooks has helped your kids tackle speech and articulation over the holidays, don’t be shy and tag us!