Restless kids, mounting tension in the car, and the need for repeated potty breaks… we’ve got you covered!
Traveling abroad with young children is no easy feat! We’ve all been there; as both the child and parent, and completely resonate with you on troublesome children (we were once them!). From a parent’s perspective, the change to relax and enjoy is pretty much a lucky draw. But fret not! You are not alone. This has been a recurring problem that families have faced over a span of ‘terrible twos’, all the way to ‘nightmare nines’. It is simply one of the next (albeit not so fun) steps that young families have to experience… a rite of passage indeed! Without these learning lessons however, many families would not have mastered the tricks of the trade, and family holidays nothing more than a mere fantasy.
With situations like this having long existed, there has been absolutely no shortage of solutions. Rather, the introduction of technology has thankfully, and miraculously grown the number of available solutions. Here is a specially curated list of how to tackle these restless rascals whilst still getting to enjoy your much deserved holiday.
1. Hype them up with Psych!
Do your kids have wild, wild imaginations that put the West to the test? Are they always churning up exaggerated stories that could win Academy Awards? Well, there’s no better way to test their skills than Psych! Their oh-so natural and oozing creativity skills will make them an eager and prime participant for this game, occupying their attention span for a quick bit! Did somebody say hooray? And let’s not forget, kids do love to win after all, so Psych will grant you the momentary peace that simultaneously tickles their competitive nature.
So sit back and relax, even if it’s for that teeny-weeny bit. Instead of having quarrels and tears, have some laughter and fun instead. With family bonding as an additional reward, what’s there not to love?
2. Storytelling with MeBooks in the car or for picnics!
Do the following phrases sound faintly familiar?
“I’m hungry!”“Where’s the food?”“I’m bored…”“Are we there yet?”
Oh dear! What shall you do when your excitedly entertained or obediently occupied children suddenly utter those dreaded words? How shall us parents ever satisfy the increasing grumpiness in the car/plane? Voila! Here is one handy solution: an interactive (and convenient) storytelling book app called Me Books Plus! How is this possible? Well what if we told you that Me Books cleverly combines education and fun all in one to captivate your child? Even marvellously better; What if we told you that MeBooks encourages your children’s learning up a notch with enhanced narration and sound effects (with which they can record their own voices and entertain themselves with)? Talk about edutainment!
With Me Books, not only can parents be granted the independence and tranquility they desperately desire, but so can the children! Be it during a picnic or a car ride, Me Books has got you covered. Your kids will be having so much fun learning new words and experimenting with new sounds, that you won’t even notice they are there!
3. Go old school with educational card games
Bibbidi-Bobbidi-How about no technology ever? What happens if Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother uses her magic wand to turn all technological devices to pumpkins? Realistically though, what happens if technology backfires and you find yourself with no data coverage or a dead phone/device? Well, I guess its time to turn old school and entertain your children with educational card games! Card games like Old Maid and Go Fish are good suggestions to involve younger kids, and Flags of the World and Uno for older kids who love a challenge!
All these games require are no technology and focused children, so there you have it! A recipe for engaging your little ones without the hassle of tech. Lesser addiction and extra time off for you.
4. Pump up the competition with Fight List and Quiz Up!
Are you readyyyyy ….. for a round of intense competition? Well buckle up! It’s going to be a jumpy and bumpy ride. For parents whose kids fancy a little more trivia or general knowledge, this is for you!!! With a ginormous and wonderfully wide range of topics/categories to choose and pick from (be it a wizard from Harry Potter or even an aspiring sports enthusiast), Fight List and Quiz Up has plentiful of options to tickle your children’s trivia tastebuds (AND KEEP THEM OCCUPIED)! By choosing topics that they are CHAMPIONS at and playing in real time, you will never have to worry about having to entertain or edutain them ever again! Can we hear a woot woot?
5. Vroom right off with Road Trip Bingo!

“Vroom vroom” and “Bee-bo”. Do these blaring sounds turn your head when on the road? Or what happens when your child spots an unusual sight? Do they exclaim excitedly? Cause we would! As a kid in the passenger seat (snooze zzz), sometimes things do indeed get a little borrringggg… We totally understand! So what if we could spice things up a little by making a
game out of the sights you see on the road? A hot red shiny Ferrari, or even better.
A speeding police car! These uncommon and spectacular sights are sure to keep your children’s eyes peeled on the road, along with their attention. You can print out road trip bingo sheets if you wanna go old school, or download an app for it if you’re feeling tech-savy!
Pro Tip #1: Unique sights on the road can be more than just bingo! My personal favourite as a kid? Making up words from the alphabets of number plates or calculating numbers if you’re feeling mathematical!
Pro Tip #2: Craving something beyond whizzing cars and shiny buildings? Go with logo bingo for a change!
Remember! Anything can be a FUN-LOVING game if you want it to be. We’d love to see how your kids and you edutain yourselves during long trips!
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