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Storytelling in the classroom | 'Chickens Can't See in the Dark' by Kristyna Litten

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Chickens Can't See in the Dark by Kristyna Litten Storytelling Guide

Chickens Can't See in the Dark by Kristyna Litten

About the Book

This week we feature this fun book, 'Chickens Can't See in the Dark' by Kristyna Litten. A quirky tale about a determined chicken - Little Pippa - coming up with and sticking to a plan that not one chicken in Sunnyside Farm believed in!

When Mr Benedict tells his class on Sunnyside Farm that chickens can't see in the dark, Pippa sets out to discover the secrets of night vision.

After visiting the library - and then the farm shop - Pippa takes a wheelbarrow of carrots to Mother Hen's Pantry where she cooks up the most delicious carroty banquet ever seen. She then invites her feathered friends to share it. They're all sceptical about what difference eating so many carrots will make, but everything is so tasty that they soon gobble down every last mouthful.

At last, on a starry, moonlit evening, the chickens discover the delights of seeing in the dark and Little Pippa's plucky determination is celebrated all night long.


Meet the Author!

Kristyna Litten
Kristyna Litten (Source:

Kristyna Litten studied Illustration at Edinburgh College of Art and graduated in 2010. She now lives in a beautiful village in Yorkshire. Her first picture book, Flint's Odd Socks, followed by Chickens Can't See In The Dark were highly commended for the Macmillan Prize two years running. Kristyna has written and illustrated the brilliant Blue & Bertie and Norton & Alpha for Simon & Schuster, and the stunning Ziggy and the Moonlight Show will publish in 2018. (Source:


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Interactive Storytelling in Classrooms

Chickens Can't See in the Dark by Kristyna Litten
Chickens Can't See in the Dark by Kristyna Litten

This story is perfect for introducing the value of determination in achieving one's goal. With storytelling prompts and questions, students can have a higher level of engagement during storytelling sessions as the storyteller interacts with the children! While children participate in the interactive storytelling session, it also sparks their interest to explore more stories and books!

Below are some suggested storytelling prompts that you might find useful as u go through the book in the app with your students:

Chickens Can't See in the Dark by Kristyna Litten Storytelling Guide

Chickens Can't See in the Dark by Kristyna Litten Storytelling Guide


Loving the storytelling prompts so far?

Have a look at more activities and worksheets planned out based on the book, just download and enjoy!

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Suggestive Reads about Determination and Perseverance:

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Chickens Can't See in the Dark by Kristyna Litten

Chickens Can't See in the Dark by Kristyna Litten
Chickens Can't See in the Dark

Little Pippa is no headless chicken. In fact, she was quite the opposite!

When Mr Benedict tells his class on Sunnyside Farm that chickens can't see in the dark, Pippa sets out to discover the secrets of night vision.

After visiting the library - and then the farm shop - Pippa takes a wheelbarrow of carrots to Mother Hen's Pantry where she cooks up the most delicious carroty banquet ever seen. She then invites her feathered friends to share it. They're all sceptical about what difference eating so many carrots will make, but do you think Little Pippa's brilliant plan will work?


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