About the book
Halibut Jackson was shy, he didn't like to be noticed. So he made himself special suits for different places he go to so he could blend in to his surroundings. Until one day, The Queen noticed him, and that was the start of Halibut Jackson unleashing his talent to his world.
A delightful, quirky look at overcoming shyness and realising one's talents. Chosen as Amazon.com’s ‘Favorite Children’s book of 2004’.

Being shy and not liking to be noticed, Halibut Jackson mostly stayed indoors. Until one day, he was invited to Her Majesty The Queen's Grand Birthday Party! Halibut Jackson was excited, it was the Palace he was invited to, then he had an idea for his suit...

With silver and gold and jewels, Halibut Jackson made the perfect suit to blend in with The Palace, but how was he to know it was a Garden Party?

Everyone noticed Halibut Jackson, even the Queen did. And that party changed Halibut Jackson's introverted life more than ever.
This illustrated children's picture book full of details delightfully depicted the insights of an introverted person, and how even the least noticed person can be really awesome at something. Halibut Jackson did not know he was really good at something, until people around him notice and appreciate his works!
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Meet the Author!
David Lucas, an illustrator since the age of 17, have illustrated a picture book by Ted Hughes before starting to write picture book stories of his own.
Having his books being translated into 12 languages, David was nominated as one of the UK’s Best New Illustrators by the BookTrust in 2008.
David Lucas' latest picture book is called I Was Made For You published by Andersen Press, and recently he has been working on writing longer fiction.
Recommended Reads by David Lucas:
Check out 'This is My Rock' at Me Books Store - RM 64.99
Check out 'A Letter For Bear' at Me Books Store - RM 54.00
'What are you good at?'
Based on this inspiring classic storybook, it is a great opportunity for you to have conversations with your little ones about their gifts and talents. Through this book, prompt you child to think about what they think they're good at and what can they do to embrace that talent!
Here are some questions you can ask your child as you go through the book together:

Can you spot Halibut Jackson? Pause for a moment on each page and observe the illustrations with your child. Here are some suggested questions you can ask your child:
Can you spot Halibut Jackson?
Why do you think he didn't like to be noticed by other people?
Are you shy like Halibut Jackson, or do you like to be seen?

The Queen noticed Halibut Jackson in his beautiful suit! She admired his suit, and so did the King and everybody at the party! Observe the illustrations with your child on this page.
Here are some suggested questions you can ask your child:
How do you think Halibut Jackson felt when the Queen noticed him?
Do you think Halibut Jackson realised that he was actually good at something?
What about you? What are you good at?

Soon after, Halibut Jackson opened his very own shop! He was a spectacular tailor after all, and many people admired and appreciated his work!
Here are some suggested questions you can ask your child:
What did the people think about Halibut Jackson's talent?
Though Halibut Jackson was still a little shy, how do you think he feels now, having friends and company, and plenty to do?
What are you good at? How can you be better at it?
Loving the story so far?
Have a look at more activities and worksheets planned out based on the book, just download and enjoy!
Halibut Jackson

Halibut Jackson was shy, he didn't like to be noticed. So he made himself special suits for different places he go to, so he could blend in to his surroundings.
Until one day, The Queen noticed him, and that was the start of Halibut Jackson unleashing his talent to the world around him.
This illustrated children's picture book full of details delightfully depicted the insights of an introverted person, and how even the least noticed person can be really awesome at something.
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